What File Format Can Be Used for RNA Data Sets in the OneOmics™ Suite 3.4?

日期: 03/03/2023
类别: Academia Omics , Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


To import RNA data sets into the OneOmics™ suite, the RNA data sets need to be in the Cuffdiff output file format from CuffLinks. The OneOmics™ suite assumes that the differential expression analysis has already been done. This link contains an example of a “gene_exp.diff” file defined on this page: http://cole-trapnell-lab.github.io/cufflinks/cuffdiff/

The critical columns in the Cuffdiff file (when the file is read by Excel) that the OneOmics suite uses are: gene, p_value, log2(fold_change), status.