

Locating the List of Isotopic Amino Acid Symbols in Bio Tool Kit Software

The Bio Tool Kit microapp can be used for peptide sequencing or fragment matching in PeakView™ or SCIEX OS software. The one-letter codes for amino acids are used when entering potential fragment ions. To represent isotope-labeled amino acids, square brackets encompassing the mass shift are used to the right of the one-letter code. In Bio Tool Kit software, the information for all heavy amino acids is stored in the AA Modifications tab in the Mass Calculator.

Can I Modify or Add an Enzyme in Bio Tool Kit Software?

The Bio Tool Kit software micro-app characterizes biomolecules within SCIEX OS and PeakView® software through features such as intact protein spectral deconvolution and manual sequence tagging. The software does not allow users to add or modify proteolytic enzymes themselves, but there is a workaround that can be used to modify an existing enzyme.

Bio Tool Kit Software License iNeeded for SCIEX OS 1.x and PeakView Software.

The Bio Tool Kit software can be activated within PeakView 2.x and SCIEX OS 1.x software but a separate software license is needed.

Installing a License for BioTool Kit in PeakView® Software 2.2

BioTool Kit software is a software module within PeakView® 2.2 software that needs to be activated by a separate license. To install a BioTool Kit license, open PeakView 2.2, navigate to the Help menu, and select BioTool Kit Activation.

05/15/2018    Bio Tool Kit Software

Does the BioTool Kit MicroApp Require a Separate License in PeakView® Software?

The BioTool Kit MicroApp features cannot be accessed in PeakView® software unless a separate license is installed alongside the PeakView® license.