

Can Biologics Explorer Software Be Installed on a PC with One Partition?

Biologics Explorer software needs to be installed on a computer with both a C: and D: drive partition; however, it is also possible to install this software on a PC with just one (C: drive) partition if a patch is also installed.

How Can I Create a Custom Enzyme in BioPharmaView™ 3.x Software?

This article describes how to use a different DataDictionary file to add a custom enzyme to BioPharmaView™ software. The BioPharmaView.Data dictionary file cannot be modified. This will result in a reinstall of the software.

What is the Source of the Atomic Weight Information in BPV Flex Software?

BPV Flex software uses the same source of atomic weight information as BioPharmaView™ software. The theoretical value required for the intact workflow uses the average molecular weight; the peptide workflow uses the monoisotopic weight.

How to Use the MAM Script in BioPharmaView™ Software 3.0.2 to Transfer Peptide Information to SCIEX OS Software

BioPharmaView™ software 3.0.2 has improved its multiple attributes monitoring (MAM) workflow, and the software now includes a script, MAM-BPV to Analytics Converter, used to create a quantitative processing method for the Analytics mode of SCIEX OS software.

How Is the Peptide Score Calculated in BPV Flex™ Software 2.1?

The BPV Flex™ Software 2.1 peptide score indicates the probability that the peaks in a given MS/MS spectrum will match those of the theoretical peptide fragments by random chance. Therefore, the score calculation is derived from observed MS/MS fragments and the corresponding intensities, as well as the number of theoretical MS/MS fragments.

Which Glycan Notation Is Used in the BioPharmaView™ Software?

The glycan notation used in BioPharmaView™ Software is the Oxford style.

Where Are the Report Templates for BioPharmaView™ Software Stored?

The file folder locations of the report templates for BioPharmaView™ software are listed in this article.

Does BPV Flex Software Support Multiple Period Experiments?

BPV Flex can only open the first period of multiple period experiment runs.

09/27/2019    Pharma CRO | BioPharmaView Software

Multiple Period Experiments Cannot Be Processed in BioPharmaView™ Software 2.x and 3.x

Data processing for intact proteins and peptide mapping in BioPharmaView™ software versions higher than 2.x do not allow for multiple period experiments.

Creating a Custom Enzyme in BPV Flex 1.0 Software

To create a custom restriction enzyme in BPV Flex 1.0 software, locate the digestion agents secction in the BPV Flex DataDictionary.xml file. Type an enzyme definition or Copy/paste a definition for the desired enzyme.

08/09/2019    BioPharmaView Software

Calculating the Theoretical Average Mass for an Intact Protein in BioPharmaView™ Software

BioPharmaView™ software uses the isotopic masses published by NIST online at: https://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/Compositions/stand_alone.pl. Please note that the results generated will be the same throughout all SCIEX software (e.g., PeakView™ and ProteinPilot™ software).

What Causes BioPharmaView™ Software To Stall when Processing Data or Running Batches?

BiopharmaView™ software will stall when processing data when more than one instance of the software is open or if there are some corrupted files in the processing queue folder in the BioPharmaView program files folder.

BioPharmaView™ Software 2.x/3.0.x Cannot Open the Data for Subsequent Samples if the Data for the First Sample Is Corrupted

BioPharmaView™ software 2.x/3.0.x cannot open the data for subsequent samples if the data for the first sample is corrupted.

Nomencature Used by BiopharmaView™ Software for N-Gylcan Names

BioPharmaView™ software uses predefined N-glycan structures (following the Ludger product names), or software users have the option to build their own custom modifications.

BioPharmaview™ Software: Simultaneous Analysis of Disulfide Bridges and Cysteine Modification Not Possible

Disulfide bond mapping in BioPharmaView™ software is described in the user guide. However, creating a disulfide bridge table in addition to analyzing cysteine modifications simultaneously is not described and cannot be done.

How Does the Score in the Peptide Sequencing Section of BioPharmaView™ Software 2.1 Work?

Each peptide is displayed in a table after processing the peptide digest in BioPharmaView™ software. A score is given to each peptide after it is compared to the theoretical proteolytic digest.